Diposting oleh Yuswan Rois on Sabtu, 23 April 2011

A. Preface
Before the birth of philosophy among religions, both Eastern and Western world, has created various kinds of natural mind, is among the famous ancient Egyptian mind, mind Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyuria, mind Iran, the Indian mind, mind China, but the Greek mind was the one who can practically have the most significant contribution of the other as the embryo of the birth of philosophy of religion (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam).
Greek philosophy to the religious world is not like that abandoned the Greeks themselves, either through the people and Jakobites AD Nestorians, or through other groups. But the philosophy that came to them after going through the Roman Hellenism of thought that have characteristics and specific patterns of course also affect the philosophy itself. Therefore, not all mind-mind philosophy to the religious world comes from the Greek, both in the original texts or review-review, but rather the result of two consecutive phases of the phase of "Hellenism" and phase "Roman Hellenism" . That is why the philosophy of mind there are two different complexion or two shades are mixed, according to the natural differences in mind in two days of talking about it.
B. Interconnectivity Between Islamic and Greek Philosophy
A truth that cannot be denied is the influence of Greek civilization, Persian, and Indian. In recording the history of the occurrence of contact between Islam and Greek philosophy (and science) through the region Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia, and Egypt. The following phases that lead to mixing of two different shades of Greece and Islam:

a. Phase Hellenism (Greek Times)
The definition phase of Hellenism is the phase in which philosophical thinking only owned the Greeks, that since the 6th century or 5th century BC until the end of the 4th century BC. Among the thinkers or schools of philosophy that is the nature of which tend materialistic Militia, atomistic flow supported by Leucippus and Democritus, the sophists, Socrates, Aristotle, plateau and flow Peripatetic epistemology that emphasizes the aspects, ethics, axiology, and humanity.
Phase Hellenism (Greek time) according to Watts occur in two waves. First, the meeting in the form of thinking that the incoming Greek thought and influence on Islamic thought that began through the translation-translation. This occurs in 2 centuries, between the years 750-950 AD Second, meeting in the form of armed clashes in the crusade which was followed by the invasion of troops into Baghdad Haulage who closed a long history of the dynasty of Bani Abbas, which occurred between the years 1095-1258 AD.
Greek philosophy is not merely a creation by Greek philosophers, but more accurately described as a choice of Greek civilization before the time of philosophizing, as in Greek philosophy originally intended to break away from the power of religious groups understated by examining its teachings . What can be justified by reasonable minds called philosophy, whereas that cannot be accepted by reasonable minds inserted into the "religious stories." Therefore, in Greek philosophy, there are elements of earthy religion (religious idol), among others, beliefs about the existence of many natural substances in the imprint and the source of all the events, although in a different form to what is in the range of Greek itself.
Although Plato and Aristotle had managed to combine the thoughts of previous philosophy, but they cannot dissolve it at all because of philosophical thoughts are various streams of thought which may have different views on life and nature.
b. Phase Hellenistic (Roman Times)
This era is the era after Aristotle (322 BC W). Starting with the reign of Alexander the Great (356-326 BC), known as Hellenism. At this time, Greek philosophy not only in Greece and the Greek original, but has expanded as the Greek heritage that was developed by the Romans and by thinkers of Egypt, Syria, and other thinkers who are in the vicinity of the Mediterranean Sea.
Alexander the Great had founded a great empire that includes not only the entire region of Greece, but also various eastern empire. After the death of Alexander in 323 BC the kingdom of political unity is then broken. But the important thing is that from that time Greek culture no longer limited to the Greek cities, but covers also the whole region was conquered Alexander. Supranational Greek culture at that time began to develop normally called a "culture Hellenistic". In the field of philosophy, Athens remained a center of an important, but also develops other intellectual centers, especially the city of Alexandria. If finally the Roman expansion extends to the Greek territory, it does not mean the end of culture and Greek philosophy. We can see that in the Roman Empire the door was opened wide to accept the Greek cultural heritage.
In philosophy is no longer there is a thinker who really great, except Plotinus. But the influence of philosophy as one element of education, in the era of Hellenism is much broader than the first. The schools of philosophy in Athens such as academia and Lykeion continue their activities. But it also established several new schools. In general we can say that that is emphasized in particular the questions of ethics: how people should adjust their behavior to live happily.
Although the overall period of Hellenism, the Roman has the same hue, but when considering its development, it can be divided into 3 days:
1. The first period, starting from the fourth century BC until the mid first century AD. Flows in them are:
a. True of the Stoics (Stoicism)
Zeno as its founder. He is from Kition around the year 300 BC. Stoics name refers to the portico where Zeno give lessons. According Stoicism, of the universe at all is determined by a power called "Logos" is. Based on the ratio is, humans can recognize a universal order in the universe. He will live wisely and happily, so long as he acts according to its ratio. If so he will master the lust-lust and self-control completely, so with the full awareness he conquered himself on the laws of nature. A person who lives according to the principles stoicism, absolutely not care about death and any other calamity, because aware that all that will happen under an absolute necessity. It seems obvious that this stoicism ethics really are cruel and demanding character truly strong.
b. Epicurism
By Epicurus as its founder. Epicures (341-270) comes from the island of Samos and established a new philosophical school in Athens. He revived atomism Democritus. Epicures opinion, everything composed of atoms constantly moving and accidental collision with one another. Humans live happily if he recognizes the composition of this world and not feared by the gods or whatever too. The gods do not affect the world. Moreover, for human beings to live happily ever have to use free will to seek pleasure wherever possible. But too much fun as possible. But too much pleasure will agitate the human mind. The wise know the limit itself and especially seek spiritual pleasure that state of mind to remain calm.
c. Skepticism
This flow includes the "flow Phyro" and "the flow of new academy." This flow does contain contradictions, however this diversion effect from the beginning of the century AD, from Greece to Rome. When that many religions flow mainly from the East. If philosophy didn’t give certainty, then the religion which would give guidance. So the interest focused on some religious people who came from other regions. There is mention of this era is the era mystique. Because religion is, the more so because Judaism and Christianity in the philosophy of people start thinking about God and nature and relationship with God. Nevertheless, the teachings of Plato is an example in this genre.
d. Eclecticism
This is not a school or a stream but a general tendency of picking the various elements of the philosophy of other streams without successfully achieve unity of thinking seriously. One of the residents of Rome who are usually classified in Eclecticism is a statesman and expert named Cicero's famous speech (106-43). In Alexandria, the life of a Jewish thinker who perhaps may also counted in this tendency named Philo (25 BC-50AD). He attempted to reconcile Judaism with Greek philosophy, especially Plato.
2. Second period, it starts from the mid first century BC until the mid-third century AD. The style of thought in this period is the selection and integration, namely selecting a few thoughts of ancient philosophy and incorporate those thoughts with each other, or interfere with those thoughts in one hand with the provisions of eastern religion and mysticism on the other. This period is known for a scientific review of the work of Greek philosophers.
3. Third Period, at the start of the third century AD until the mid-sixth century AD in Byzantium and Rome or until the middle of the seventh or eighth century in Alexandria and the East. Alexandria has its own flow patterns other than the flow of Neo Platonism, even though the two streams provides commentaries to it. Alexandria flow more attention directed to the field exacta, such as mathematics, physics, rather than to the field of metaphysics, even with the passage of time then the questions of metaphysics abandoned altogether.
c. Neo-Platonism
The flow of Neo Platonism is a series of end of Hellenism phase, (i.e.) repeat the old but not create new ones. Neo Platonism is also still revolves around the Greek philosophy, eastern mysticism and combine them. Therefore, the characteristics in which there is Greek philosophy which is sometimes contrary to the religious heaven, because the basic philosophy is to trust the people who have a lot of power sources. Because the system this option also, then within the Neo Platonism Platonism further elements, Pythagoras, Aristotle, the Stoics and Eastern mysticism. So Neo Platonism contains elements of humanitarian, religious, and idolatry.
Philosophers who created the synthesis was named Plotinus (203/4-269/70). He was born in Egypt and at age 40 he arrived in Rome to establish a school of philosophy in there. After his death around the year 270 AD Plotinus articles collected and published by his student Porphyries, with Enneadic title. The whole system of philosophy on the concept of unity Plotinus Ranging. Or can we also say that the whole system of philosophy Plotinus range in God because God called by the name of "the one".
Among the former influence of Hellenism in areas that have been mentioned above is the language used. Even in the Egyptian language is still used after Islam entered the area. In the area also found Islamic thinkers associated with Greek philosophy. Initially Greek philosophy less to the attention of Muslims because they are more focused on the conquest of territory. Only when the Abbasid dynasty, began to be taken seriously. This is proven by the holding of translating books into Arabic. Given this interpretation, Islam has been able in a relatively short time to master the intellectual heritage of the three types of culture, namely the Greek, Persian, and Indian. That's the entrance that opens the Islamic philosophy.
C. Conclusion
Through the deliberations of the above can be drawn some conclusions, namely: Hellenism is the phase in which philosophical thinking only owned the Greeks. The famous philosopher is Plato and his student Aristotle. Hellenism also developed during the Roman Empire but still refers to Greek philosophy is rationalism. At the end the triumph of Hellenism and Hellenism Roman period came a stream named Neo Platonism. This stream is perfecting ways of thinking earlier teachings. During this period created thinking about the mysticism of the Greeks, the "supreme being" behind all things in the universe. Concrete manifestation of the early influx of Islamic philosophy is to start translating the books Greco-Roman philosophy into Arabic.

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